In the 21st Century ...

Filed under: by: Jade and Ryan

I went on a future kick today to see what people from the century before and further thought we'd be like today. We all think we're so advanced now, but clearly they thought we'd be even more advanced. It's almost depressing to see, but still really enjoyable. I found a ton of photos and would like to share some.

On the left is the 1900's depiction of what we'd be like in the year 2000. Apparently, we'd want to mimic Jesus and stroll along the water. Of course, we still wouldn't be advanced enough to hover, so we'd use balloons attached to us
instead. Almost there, guys! Sort of. We also would be still wearing turn of the century clothing. I guess they were so amazed at the thought of riding horses on water, that they forgot to update the fashion. But, hey! I'd definitely love to wear those socks that man is wearing riding the paddle water bike. Very hip!
The 1950s has been known for their curiosity of the future. Why? Perhaps their present was so sexist and single-minded that they needed some sort of hope of advancement. Who knows. In the picture on the left, a "housewife" is shown watering her couch. Why? Well, to clean it of course. The caption reads, "Because everything in her home is waterproof, the housewife of 2000 can do her daily cleaning with a hose." It's great how they perceived the future with women still being repressed, but over all this is pretty accurate! Who doesn't have a drain right in the middle of their living room? If you don't, then I don't know what planet you're from.
In the late 1800s, the Statue of Liberty will be used as a means to shamelessly plug and advertise businesses. What kind of monsters are we that we'd advertise with no respect to our monuments and tourist attractions?
At least they were kind enough to give our Lady Liberty an umbrella, cool sunglasses, and a hat to give her some shade from the blistering hot, aging sun of 2000. Oh wait, they have ads on them too. I guess not everything is perfect! Not only that, but in her left arm is a bottle of booze. I guess she'd have to be a drunk with all those pieces of paper stuck on her like a memo board. I wonder how many more decades it'll take to get to the point where we're advertising products on our national monuments. 10 bucks says in the year 2050 Mount Rushmore will be covered with television screens playing Billy Mays infomercial products on a continuous loop. I can't wait.



On February 21, 2009 at 4:43 PM , Anonymous said...
